Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Cover Reveal 23rd~Home, the Silver Knight series by Lynn Rider


Home By Lynn Rider


Austin Harris wanted two things in life. His band, Silver Knight, to reach success and his girlfriend, Amber West, by his side when it did. Amber wanted one thing in life; Austin. Sounded simple, right? Wrong.

When Silver Knight got its chance to tour, Austin and Amber had no idea how quickly their lives would change. Caught up in the pursuit of stardom, the pressures of his new life tested their trust and bent their relationship in ways they never imagined. With Austin on the road and Amber left behind, it didn’t take long for temptation to surface, jealousy to form and promises to be broken.

But Austin is determined to have it all as he promises Amber the life they always dreamed of. But eventually, the long distance breaks them. And him. Years later, Austin and Amber’s paths cross again. Fresh from rehab, Austin’s prepared more than ever to reclaim the life he was meant to live and this includes a life with Amber.

Soon they find themselves battling between following the love that’s still in their hearts and the repeated failures of a life together.

Will the lingering blame and doubt from years of broken promises be enough to break them once and for all?

Young Romantic Couple. Models Released

About Lynn Rider

Lynn Rider lives in the south with her husband, two kids, two dogs, two fish and much to her dismay, three cats. She loves hanging out with friends, reading and a good glass of wine.

When she’s not spending time with her family and friends, she can be found sitting in a quiet corner or locked away with her laptop bringing life to the characters in her head.

Connect with the author


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