Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Cover Package - Kelly (Mixed Drinks #2) by Rae Matthews - March 10th

Title: Kelly

Series: Mixed Drinks #2

Author: Rae Matthews

Genre: Adult, Romantic Comedy

Release Date: March 26, 2015

Cover Designed By: Wicked by Design

Having your cake and eating it too is something everyone on the planet wants in life. For some, it is the happy family with two monsters for kids that no matter what happens, they can do no wrong, some it is fame on the big screen, being stalked by paparazzi and others, it is to travel the world seeing all that mother nature has to offer. Gag me with an overstuffed pillow. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted it all, but my vision of happiness is the dream job, the dream car, the awesome apartment and a plate of bacon all to myself. The only thing I didn’t want was a man. In my experience, men only cloud your judgment and replace your dreams with theirs.

Things were going according to plan until fate, karma, destiny, fortune or whatever you want to call it stepped in and said “Oh wait, no, I don’t think so.” and took it all from me. 

For now I’m stuck mooching off my best friend and working desperately trying to figure out a way to get it all back. That is until fate slaps a Jesse in my face. But let me start from the beginning. So grab a plate of Bacon or your favorite snack and let me tell you all about it.


Rae Matthews is a Minneapolis, Minnesota native who moved to La Crosse, Wisconsin in 2002 for a guy, of all things. There she started off as a bartender at a neighborhood bar, eventually moving into telecommunications. Years later she is now a wife and a wicked stepmother. It's a good thing she is a good cook, or they may have tossed her out on her tushy years ago.

Rae is also known for being a bit of a goofball. She loves to see people smile, and doesn't mind if they are smiling and even laughing at her, not with her. Her motto is, "Life is too short to not laugh as much as you can." 

Over the years Rae regaled her friends with her stories for years, and she loves to tell them, even if her friends didn't want to hear them. But now she is finally ready to share her stories with others.

As time goes by, Rae hopes to find more time to travel and take on new challenges while continuing her joy of telling stories, crafting, cooking and generally just having fun.

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