Sunday, February 8, 2015

Jodie Jacobs ~~ Tasting The Teacher (Lessons In Lust Series)

COVER REVEAL" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;">" height="400" width="265" />

Author: Jodie Jacobs

Series: Lessons in Lust #1

Genre: Erotica

Cover Designer: JJ Designs

Release Date: February 1st 2015 


Flunking math is a serious problem for Damon. Without a pass, his college choices are limited. It doesn’t help that he’s been fixated on his math teacher, Miss Jordan, for the past two years. If anything, spending too many hours fantasizing over her has pulled his grades down.

 Knowing he only has once chance to get the pass he needs, his math teacher may just hold all the answers he requires. Miss Jordan provides the first of one-night opportunities to allow Damon to pass with flying colors. 

It all starts with a taste.

Intended for reader 18+. The Lessons in Lust series is a short erotic story based on the sexual relationship between a teacher and her male senior student." target="_blank">" />" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;">" height="231" width="400" />

MEET THE AUTHOR" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;">" height="146" width="200" />

Jodie spends her days on the Queensland Coast, Australia, with her head tucked in a book and her fingers hard at work on her laptop.

Enjoying her quiet family life with her husband and son, Jodie, finds pleasure in giving readers a taste of the naughty and the erotic.

You can reach Jodie on her" target="_blank">Facebook page and on her" target="_blank">website.

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