Saturday, February 7, 2015

BOOK BLITZ PACKET - Mine: A Love Story by Scott Prussing (to be posted February 6)

Title: Mine: A Love Story

Author: Scott Prussing

Publisher: Ashton Publishing Group

 Release Date: January 13, 2015


your guitar is your only real friend and you won’t let anyone hear you play,
your life is hardly what you’d like it to be.

Eighteen-year-old Heather hopes escaping her bickering parents by going away to
college will help her to come out of her shell. She knows it won’t be easy.
Fortunately, her new roommate Marissa is everything Heather is not—outgoing,
stylish, brash and totally confident.

Although, it's not until Heather meets a cute older guy from her English class
and ends up tongue-tied that she realizes there may be more to college than she

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Author Bio

Prussing was born in New Jersey, but was smart enough to move to beautiful San
Diego as soon as he received his Master's degree in psychology from Yale
University. He is the author of the critically acclaimed paranormal romance
series the Blue Fire Saga (seven books), as well the post-apocalyptic fantasy
Anomaly, the mystery/suspense novels Unturned Stones and Tangled Webs. Scott
has also published 2 XXX-rated novels, Seduction and Surrender.

In addition to writing, Scott enjoys going to the movies (not renting!),
hiking, riding his bicycle near the beach, and golf. He remains one of the few
people in the United States without a cell phone.

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