Friday, January 2, 2015

We Found LoveWe Found Love by Kade Boehme
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 stars *arc provided by Kade*

We Found Love,By Kade Boehme and Allison Cassatta
Wow, Im un sure what to say, to be honest.

As many of you know I love Kade as a person, as a friend and as a writer, And this story he and Allison have created, Is by far some of his or their best writing ever (IMO)

We Found Love takes you on a Emotinal rollercoater ride,Filled With So many emotions i couldnt keep up.
So differnt from the normal romance books i have read in the past, the story its self is just beautiful and so brillaint.

You cant not fall in love with Riley and Hunter, these two boys will Pull at your heart strings and have you crossing your fingers, routing for there HEA.

I Loved everything there slow romance forming,from watching them both grow and to relealize they both deserve more in life. I cant fault a thing about this beautiful, magical story, which had me in tears half the time.

What i loved most of all is how much this book makes you feel, like always Kade has talent at making you feel along with the characters,He makes the stories real just as life is and along with that make you feel everything.

This really isnt a easy read, not your typical romance story, boy meets boy or boy meets girl, they find each other and Boom they have a HEA (fluffy Ang Reads, my fav) kinda Story.

NOT this Story, This Story, these two Guys Show us with DAMN Hard Work, that two beautiful damaged people who have had it hard in ways you cant imagine can Learn  to Survive, and Beleive to Hope again and Make what they want to happen with them selfs come True!!

Ive said this before, and ill re use what I belive in and say this all the time!!

"Shit happens and we have to learn to adapt and move on.
Life is Hard.. Sometimes Life is Easy and sometimes Life Throws us Curve balls that we all learn and grow from."

And In this case this is what Riley and Hunter kinda do.
So Keep your tissues close by you and enjoy this bumpy ride!!

View all my reviews

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