Monday, January 12, 2015

12/1 COVER REVEAL - SATISFY ME By Ryan Michele

Title: Satisfy Me (Ravage MC Valentine Novella)
Author: Ryan Michele
Series: Ravage MC
Release: February 10, 2015 (Part of the Black Hearts: A Leather Valentine Collection)

Goodreads Link:


Satisfy Me A Ravage MC Valentine Novella

What happens when your son remembers Valentine’s Day and you don’t? Or your woman doesn't care about the roses and chocolate bull they put on television? When Princess does remember, she plans a Valentine’s Day neither of them will ever forget... And Cruz is in for one rough, wet and hot ride.

Pre-order Links for Black Hearts: A Leather Valentine Collection:


“What’s going on Coop?” My words are quiet as to not wake up Princess. She has been in bed about the same amount of time as me and I know she’s wiped. She better damn well be since fucking her till she passed out last night was top on my agenda. And it was a success. With Coop, we have to get it whenever we can and recently it has been when he’s asleep. Any other time, he finds some way to cock block me. Love the kid to death, but he’s gotta give me a break.
            “Daddy, it’s Valentimes day. We gots to make Mommy bekfast.” His words shake me out of my sleepy stupor. Valentine’s day? Really? I wipe the sleepiness away, everything in the room becoming clearer. Princess is not the hearts and flowers kind of woman. My woman is more motorcycles and leather, but shit I need to do something for her. How are guys supposed to remember this shit? Fuck me.
            Coop bounces on his little feet his wide eyes conveying, come on Daddy. I groan slowly rolling out of bed and grab my shorts from the dresser slipping them on. “Come on buddy.”

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Author Bio:

Ryan Michele has a huge obsession with reading, which only came to life after her best friend said she had to read Twilight. After reading that series, her entire world changed in the blink of an eye. Not only was she sucked into new worlds and all of the wonderful words authors put down on paper, she felt the urge to begin to write down the characters that played inside of her head. In doing so, Safe was born. Then Wanting You, Ravage Me currently Seduce Me.

When she’s not reading or writing, she spends time taking care of her two children and her husband, enjoying the outdoors and laying in the sun.

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