Thursday, December 18, 2014

Sandra’s Shrewsbury Promo Blog Tour

Title: Addiction
By: Sandra Shrewsbury
Blog Tour: December 13th – 17th
Hosted By: Author Sandra Love

Outside The
Addiction: A Mother’s Story
Release Date:
November 27th, 2013

Susan Green is a single mother raising three
children. She has had it rough… But, always managed… Until now. 

Susan’s daughter, Tina, has been acting strange.
She has always been a very calm child, then one day she began acting out in
anger. Her mother is worried it may be drugs. 

In her attempt to find out what is going on with
her daughter, Susan finds out more than she can bargain for. 

Susan’s life changes and not for the better, she
is faced with a demon that she can’t control. How can she fight for a life
that’s not hers to fight for. Can Susan save her daughter?

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for Outside The Addiction:

hear someone's child is an addict it crushes my

I was quickly drawn into this story of Susan and Tina, and I
fell for them. My heart was wrenched with pain as Susan is pulled through the
evil depths of Tina's addiction. Sandra Shrewsbury shows the reader how trying
it is for all parts of the family going through Tina's addiction. The path of
addiction isn't a solo one, it takes many people down it's twisted, gnarly

“Very heartfelt read it made me feel the mothers
pain as she went through this horrid ordeal

what a powerful read all parents should read
this book”

The Aftermath of an Addiction
Release Date: November 14th, 2014

The abuse of drugs affects one’s life more than
one knows… 
Not only does it ruin lives, it breaks hearts.
The hearts of loved ones that stand by you day by day, trying to offer you the
support that you need to put the pieces of the puzzle of life back together. 
But some people don’t fit that last piece in the
empty slot that the drugs have created. My mother left that slot empty and was
never the same. But her story has already been told… This is my story. 
This is the Aftermath of an Addiction.


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Praises for The Aftermath of an Addiction:

a moving and powerful book! I love this story it will have you crying. It is
well written and it will hold your attention until the very end! What Sandra
does in this book is amazing. WARNING: Have tissues ready! Great job hun! A

About the Author:

Sandra hails from West
Virginia, where she lives with her family. She spent ten years working in the
nursing profession. She loves to read, no matter what the genre is. However,
her favorites are Romance, Supernatural, and Non-Fiction. This love for the
written word inspired Sandra to begin her own writing career. Using her own
life experiences, Sandra brings Addiction to the surface. Now for her next book
she is doing an adult romance novel. Midnight Desire will let Sandra experience
her passion for romance.




Meet Sandra’s Street Team!!!

More Teasers for you to enjoy!!! J

Thank You for supporting Sandra Shrewsbury! It means a lot
to her and I!

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