Sunday, December 28, 2014


Dance with DestinyDance with Destiny by Sloan  Johnson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Omg seriously, loved this book!!
I mean LOVED this Story!!!
Better review to come!!
Wow wow wow I've been in a mm rut and this has just blown me away, so perfect in all areas!!
First time I've read this author as well, and I'm totally going to be reading more!!


As I said, Ive been in a mm rut for a few months, I have been reading the genre for years now and I was so lucky enough to get an Arc copy of Dance with Destiny
by Sloan Johnson.

This was a very sexy story that had my emotions all over the place, I was cringing and crying, i was laughing and i was squirming. I loved where Sloan took me when reading this perfect mm love story!!

Dom and Tony's journey was, brilliant from how they meet, to how they fell in love and all the in between drama..

Both Tony and Dom, Have there own issues to come to terms with and both had there own POV and stories to tell that had my crying to laughing from one min to the next. I can not praise this story enough. I loved how Tony was the more alpha, that Dom is the more tender hearted man that you just cant help to love.

4.5 Stars from me, I would have loved to give it a full 5 Stars, but i felt that there  story wasnt finsihed, it is truly the most beautiful love story i have read in a while and i adore everything about these guys, but the ending.. i was left with What next??  But Hey that could be me, as i wanted more Tony and Dom.. Maybe Sloan is going to write more about these two. This is a stroy mi would recomened for everyone to read, a story filled with Love, Destiny and Fate.

Wonderful job Sloan Johnson.


View all my reviews

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