Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Review~ Surviving Love By Ada Frost

Blurb ~
What do you do when you find out you’re pregnant, your boyfriend rejects you, your sister is beaten half to death and the most annoyingly gorgeous man takes up residence in your house? Well ladies, there is only one thing to do, pull up your big girl knickers and show the world your middle finger.

Louise Beaumont is renowned for her sharp wit, smart mouth and sassy personality. She comes out swinging in an argument, even when she’s wrong. But even some events in life can knock her on her arse. And fighting through the sludge of emotional pressure she’s had poured over her is taking its toll. 

Johan Senior is broken. A man with a deeply traumatic past, shadows and monsters haunt his every waking hour. That is until a heavenly angel is sent in the form of a loud mouthed chestnut haired vixen, who threatens his manhood countless times. But his heart grabs onto her and refuses to let her go. The only problem is, his mind needs to allow him the pleasure of human touch, and to take that terrifying step of allowing someone into his heart.

Part of the Surviving series but can be read as a standalone novel.(less)


Surviving Love by Ada Frost

Release Date~ 

5 Amazing Touching stars 

Johan has worked his way into my heart and grabbed hold -- His story was sad, touching and ripping like no other. 

Lou is a loud mouth and has a massive heart, the way her and Johan is funny and entertaining. This book was a roller coaster and I don't think I will be able to get all the words out from head to even type this review. 

"I have a feeling I won't survive you" 

Ok enter swoon.... Like I said not enough words to do it justice.

All I will say don't read this book if you want to live in fluffy land, but if you want real and can handle it -- I say READ IT. You won't regret it.

Ada has done it again and has knocked me off my fluffy pedastool, For that I say thank you Ada. Your stories are beautiful and raw.

And a message for the author *I want Ryan's story* Like NOW.

Links to Surviving Love

Links To Ada Frost Amazon

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