Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Laura's Review of Kalon by T.L Smith

Hi Guys well blimey she only went and done it again topping her first book in the Take Over series with book Two Kalon!

T.L Smith has done herself proud.
Here is my review of this brilliant read!

Kalon (Take Over Series #2)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

T.L Smith wow you've done it again girl!!!
Just when you think it was bloody awesome the next part in the series comes out and makes it a million times better!

Kalon is the second in the Take Over series and you will need to read Krinos first.

Krinos is just simply out for revenge in this book and by god she does it well...Men beware you will shudder at what this girl does!! Lol

People from Krinos' past enter in this installment and it makes for a good character enhancer...you learn more about her life.

Her relationship develops more deeply with Stefanos and its warming to see this side of Krinos.

The ending left me shouting at my kindle......noooooooo!!!!
I want....NEED MORE!!!!!!

Bloody brilliant and very deserving of it's 5 star status!

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