Tuesday, June 24, 2014

COVER REVEAL: Her Dom By A.D.Justice

Her Dom Ebook Cover

Title: Her Dom

Author: A.D. Justice

Anticipated Release Date: July 25, 2014

Genre: Erotic Thriller


My name is Dominic Powers. My software engineering company, DPS, is one of the top 500 companies in the world. Conducting a search for my Personal Assistant brought an unexpected candidate straight to me. I knew she was different as soon as she walked into my high-rise office. She exuded innocence and inexperience. Those are two things in a woman that normally don’t attract me, but I am apparently making an exception for her. She’s young and delicate – and I’m afraid she won’t make it in my world. But the carnal man I’ve kept hidden deep inside me says I have to try. She is my Sophia Vasco. I am Her Dom.

Her Dom Full Cover


Her Dom Teaser 3

About the Author

A.D. Justice

A.D. Justice has been married for 25 years and has two wonderful sons in college. She is also an avid reader of romance novels and, to her amazement, a self-published author. A.D. enjoys reading many different types of romance books - including drama and suspense, crime and mystery, NA and YA, and contemporary and erotica.

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Her Dom Teaser 1

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