Saturday, May 31, 2014

LOVE'S A WITCH (Hart Clan Hybrids, #2) BY ROXY MEWS

Love's a Witch (Hart Clan Hybrids, #2)Love's a Witch by Roxy Mews
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dammit. Being the beta wasn't easy. My male leader could dazzle me if he wanted to, my female leader was crazy...

4.5 Stars

I received an ARC copy from the author in exchange for an honest review..

I was eager to read the second book in this series I love PNR and this is a fabulous different take on werewolf/vampire/witch genre!!

First thing first.. Roxy Is a Talented new author who can write a Fabulous Story, I cant wait to read more from her in the future..

REVIEW:: Love's A Witch,  continues from Love at First Bite the first novel in this series I would highly recommend reading that one first, before you Go on a journey with Mary who is learning about her new witchy abilities and Craig who is running and hiding from his past.

"You got me, Craig I meant to burn the place down. Its all part of my master plan to send smoke signals to the Vampires who are trying to kill me best friend"

I Love the Snark and Banter Mary and Craig have to watch them grow and develop is beautiful
I also Love that Mary grows into her own, she starts to become Kick ass Crazy!!
As we go on tis wild ride we still get to see Amber and Jake, and how they all deal with there new Clan and there Roles with in group. Fabulous page turner that makes you want to no whats going to happen next!
The only reason i didnt give it the full 5 stars is because of the cliffy it ends in .. but thats cool.. just means we get more of this awesome Clan.. and that i cant wait for!!

♥Awesome Story, Twists and Turns
♥Brilliant humor

I Wasn't the only one with magic. His dick looked like it had plenty os magic too.

♥Fabulous Characters Old and New

She had a softer belly too.. The thought of nuzzling my nose into every soft part of drove me mad

♥Not as much sexy time as the first, you dont really miss it, cos you are learning more and more abut the Vamps, Weres and Witches. But the Smexy Time You Got was OF the Charts HOT!!!

He pushed my legs apart, and i could feel the trickle of wetness on my lips as he spread me wide. One hand traced the ridge between my thighs and my core. he stayed on the outside of my lips. Back and forth. A push and a pull......

I Really Enjoyed Reading Love's a Witch (Hart Clan Hybrids, #2) I Adored seeing the Jakes Sister and Ambers Dad.. Doc .. I Loved it all... Chapter 23 had me in Stitches i was laughing so much at certain parts!!

Seriously Can not wait till the next one.. Bring it on..

View all my reviews

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