Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Shadows of the Mind (Pembroke Eve Chronicles, #1)Shadows of the Mind by Mark Alders

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Where do i begin??? Mark You are made of Awesomeness!!!

I have never read anything like this before! And As strange and weird as it might be Aliens and Space ships and all I found my self laughing, Falling in Love with the Characters and I even had a tear in my eye!!

Mark takes you on a interesting adventure with Jake, and we Meet Callum,Zane, Suzie and Mr B!!

I couldn't put it down, from the first chapter i was Hooked...

"I chocked my chicken untill it was red raw."

I mean come on with lines like this all you can do is laugh and want more!!

every time i hear the word cheese, i keep thinking about the part where Jake was "chocking his Chicken"

"I dreaded to think of what others would have thought if they got a whiff of my stale dick cheese.I still cringe to this day when i think of that/"...LMAO so SO funny!!!

So Many fave parts when he think of Callum as boyman!! I loved this book first kisses first sex partners and first LOVES.. What more can i ask for it was totally an awesome ride!!

Jakey and Callum were fantastic, But Zane and Suzie were great to get to no as well. Looking forward to read about them in the next one!!

I.S.P.A, MarK Honestly where do you come up with it!! Its just so fucking weird and I love it!! Xx

Very fun read, :) Every one should read it and give it a go!!

This has to be one of my Quotes line ever!!!

Say, What's your start-up password so i can get on?

without hesitation i said, Gay lower dash cock lover sixty nine.All in lower case."



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