Thursday, March 17, 2011

Line Of Fire~Jo Davis

From GoodReads~

After a day of putting out fires, the sizzling-hot men of Station Five tend to start a different kind of blaze. Take all-American--and all-sexy--Tommy Skyler....

To the other men of the A-shift, Tommy's a lucky guy who has it all. But deep inside, the golden boy of Station Five hides a private pain. He was once a star quarterback on the fast track, until tragedy derailed his dream. Ever since then, he's struggled with the choices he's made--including his decision to become a firefighter.

His one ray of light shines in beautiful nurse Shea Ford. And when a dangerous rescue lands Tommy in the ER, what better opportunity to win her over? As Shea gives in to her feelings for him, Tommy and she reach the heights of passion. But when a conspiracy culminates in deadly arson, Tommy will lose more than he ever imagined. A ruthless enemy is closing in, threatening to destroy the couple's love--and their lives.


So I read this one and I Loved it!! Tommy and Shea Are perfect for each other! 
Another Awesome book to this Fantastic series!!

I Honestly Would recommend every one to read this series it is so GOOD!!!

This book, had me Laughing, Crying and Squirming in my seat!! 

I loved how we get to no Tommy so much more, and to see all the other guys and there girls again was really good!! I don't like to give much away cos it is coming to an end of the series but this book and the next are kinda connected with the bad guy!!!

Thanks JO, another Awesome read!!


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