Sunday, February 6, 2011

I'll Be Your Drill, Solider~~Crystal Rose~

Fuck me!! Honestly This book was Fucken UNREAL!!!☆☆☆☆☆
I did not not think I could Laugh and cry at the same time!!!!
And then when I wasn't crying I was LMFAO!! It is Seriously one of the best books i have read!!
Oh The Nick names the boys got were so FUNNY!!! DSL (dick sucking lips)
All the Characters were Fucken AWESOME!!! And Ryan and Phillip *sigh* So SO GOOD!! Just thinking about them bring tears to my eyes!!! Then there was Brandon, Patrick,Ken,Mark Oh DAMN and then Sandy and Troy and Alexander!!! I LOVED every single one of them!! Thanks to Fucken Heather and Sparks to get me to read this one!! Honest to GOD put down, or FINISH up what your reading and Fucken read this book NOW!!

So on to my fave quotes i just have to write a couple!!!


This is is the moment i fucken lost the giggles and turn in to a laughing Hyina!!!
“THIS IS MY WEAPON!” he shouted, holding the M16 up high. “This is my gun!” He took his dick in his hand and shook it in front of them.“ “This is for killing.” The M16 surged up, again. “And this is for fun!” He shook his cock again"

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

And this is JUST a teaser!!!!

“ I think about you all the time. You are the first thing on my mind when I wake up and the last thing I think of when I sleep. Your name is a constant on my tongue. I wonder how you are; what you’re doing; and even if you ate enough that day. You'd like that I know you that well because every time we fuck I know exactly where, when and how hard to push you. I know you, babe. I know what makes you tick. You love it when I masturbate. Especially when I let you watch. You love when I run my hand down your chest. Your nipples are so sensitive that a simple breath can make them hard as stones. You love fucking my mouth. You seriously love when I deepthroat you and then make those little noises... ”

If you have read the book, you will under stand all the F bombs!!!! 

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