Friday, November 5, 2010


So Girls my New Obsession is This series!!
And i love it so much...
** spoiler alert ** This Was AMAZING!!!
I dont no where to start!!
I love Andrew,he is so good such a big heart and just so caring!!
Then we have Indigo,She drove me nuts in the beginning I was hating her at some
parts!! I love how meet some new Characters and Old!!
We get some Hawke Action as well... Not enough but i was happy with what we got!!
I can not wait till his book. So excited about that one!!!

I hate Henry Scott, i cant wait for the day where he gets killed off!!
I also have this odd feeling that the Ghost could be Kaleb!!!
Loved this book, it was really really good!!

This Series is FANTASTIC, My new fave series!!
For every one who has not read them You have to!!
You get lost in Nalini word of the PSY-CHANGELING and it is so good!!

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