Saturday, October 30, 2010

~Nalini Singh Psy-Changeling series~

OMG I have finished reading this series, well i am up to date till the 9th one come out and i cant wait!!
This series was freaking amazing!
Every single book i read i loved it the relationships the action and drama just every thing was perfect they were a rollercoaster full of emotions!
You all got to check this series out!!

I have recently read Bonds of justice and gave it 5 stars, i gave all 8 books 5 stars :)

I can not explain in fantastic words how much i freaking love this series!!
This book was awesome,i found my self really getting into it i couldn't put it down!!
Max and Sophie are so good!!
I really loved them and every one it this book i also found my self liking Kaleb interseting??
Lots of stuff happens in this one with psy side of things and is really interesting a good to know!
And Sasha you got to love her and Lucas showing up and Also Clay and Tally and every one!! hehe
I loved the ending it was the best, really good book loved it!
I cant wait to read the next one :) and the next!!

You got to read this series if you havent they are all so good and different and HOT!!
Great plot and Action and romance just every thing you want and the giggles!!

Love it i was i could give every book more then 5 stars!!

Where do i start??
To be honest i was at the start not liking this one, but as i kept with it i was falling hard for Dev, and was enjoying the book.. and Katya she was just so cute!! i really liked her a lot.
I hate Ming i really hope he dies!!
To be honest i really dont like any one on the council apart from Faith dad!!
This had me laughing at some stages, i was made a lot with Dev but what put me over was the Last 4 chapter Shit, i was crying so much,I love that emotional ride it is awesome!!!
And Wow so much was happening with every one :)
Hot Damn I love this series!!
If you havent yet picked up the first one to this series you have to!!
I cant wait to read the next one :) 

  I love this series!!
This book Started with a BANG and i couldnt put it down untill i finished it!
Riley and Mercy were FANTASTIC together!!!
One of my fave couples now!
I really love how we get more of the other characters..
So much happening still but it was soo good had me laughing at some stages had me mad at some places but in the end i LOVED it! 

Hot Damn!!
Dorian and Ashaya we all so good!!!
Fantastic heart moving story i love this one as much as all of them but D and S together was so good!! and Add the son Keenan it was just so good, and sweet!!

I cant wait to see where the series goes now!

What a wicked ending the best!!

You guys got to read this series when you can!!! 

Clay and Tally!!!
WOW WOW WOW What a book!!
An emotional one at that!
So much happens in this one, I really Enjoyed this one as well
can't wait to read the next one...
I love how we get to see every one from all the other books, thats what i love about this series!!!

I Don't know where to start, This book was Freaking Amazing!!!
I love Judd and Brenna so much that i cried laughed and got so mad at some stages of this book.
This series is so good,i didnt think i would like this one as much as the first to BUT I FREAKING Loved it more then the first to, i wish i could give more then 5 stars!!
I love how we get to know more about the ins and outs of the Psy/Challenging world it is so different and so good! love how we get to see the Characters from the first two books!!
And Hawke dont get me started on that man, he is so cool i love him i cant wait read about him!!

WOW fantastic, for any one who has started this series dont let the name put you off!! It is so good you should at lest give it ago!!

  Damn! This was an Amazing read i loved it!!
This series is turning into a FANTASTIC find I could not put this one down Vaughn and Faith were so so so Good, I loved how we get to see every one from the first book again..
The Psy/Challenging series is one i am going to continue to the end!!

I freaking Loved this book!!
I cried, laughed and was so happy with the ending this is a series i will continue with reading!

Lucas and Sascha were PERFECT in this great Romance and such an awesome plot,I loved all the characters too...

i am of to read the next one :)

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