Thursday, August 19, 2010

I have been Slack!!

I have been so bad, I haven't forgotten about my blog!
I have just been reading so much and with my kids and hubby!!
I will post later on every thing i have read, And it has been alot!


  1. I've missed you!!!

  2. MISS You Too!!
    I still haven't been here in awhile.. I am a slacker i have been reading so much i for get to come to my own blog!!! LMAO
    Hope your doing well!!

  3. I'm alright, had to take a vacation of sorts a few weeks back and am regretting it because the review books have piled up so high it seems I'll never catch up in time. :( But, I'll get it done. Eventually. lol.

    Hope you've been reading some awesome books! Come back to us.

  4. I Have been reading heaps, but i have been slack about my blog I am going to try and remember to come in here and chat!! and see what is going on

    Hope you have been well, and had a lovely vacation!!
