Friday, June 4, 2010

Dark Lover By J.R.Ward BDB Series

** spoiler alert ** Okay Ladies I Finished Dark Lover and it was AMAZING!!!!
If you haven't read BDB Dark Lover Yet You should give it a go!!
It is such a Wicked Read!!
I couldn't put it down, I love Wrath and all the Brothers
I even Started to like Butch and Z they were so good in the END!!!
V and Butch are lovers??? WTF i am way behind!! Cant wait to read about that, and what abut Marrissa then?? So many Questions!!
So i wanted to Kill Mr X and i was so glad that Billy Died and i wanted to Punch Havers in the Head!!!
I love the fact that they are all going to LIVE together in one big House!!
Darius Gets A new Life, that is freaking Awesome!!
i cant wait to read about that, and who he becomes...
And Hello,new Men that are going to come into the Story,so awesome that Wrath wants to Be a King i loved the mating wedding, i was all chocked up!!
And WOWZAH YIKES YUM The Sex in it was awesome!!
Marrissa and Butch were so cute together!!! I wonder whats going to happen there!
And He really does fit in with the Vampires/Family Brothers!!!
When it was finished i was like i wont MORE MORE MORE!!
I cant wait to read the next one...I have so many thoughts that i don't no where to begin!!

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