Monday, July 29, 2019

The Bride Test by Helen Hoang

The Bride Test by Helen Hoang

Probably one of the most anticipated reads for a lot of fans, and this also has some major hype surrounding the book, So that alone going into this one had my expectations pretty damn high. But in saying that, I only gave TKQ 4 stars.
The Bride Test was deferentially interesting, very unique and I see why so many loved this book, unfortunately for me I did not. Not because the writing was poor, I honestly did not care for the characters much, and the setting or not like the idea of  it maybe I am still unsure how to put my words in order but I did not hate the book, I just didn't gel with it.
 For me was OK.

This was a own voices novel, the main character or the dude main character is Autistic and this author does do a great job showing how he expresses his feelings and such.

Khai, is Michael's cousin from the first book. Esme is from Vietnam and cleans for a living, while living with her baby daughter and mother and grandmother. Khai's mother, travels there to try and find him a wife... obviously she stumbles upon Esme and there is a propersition and the story goes from there.

I found myself enjoying most of all the Khai moments, and him learning about sex,and how to pleasure a lady, I loved his brother and I hope he gets a book.

The whole time I was literally questioning Emse  and her feelings and that she dose not tell ANYONE about her daughter is messed up. I am a mum, so this struck a cord with me. don't be ashamed or whatever, I didn't like that at all and when she did tell, it wasn't even till really at the end of the book and she had no choice really to let anyone know. I dunno I didn't like that at all, and then like if you were away from your baby, you would be thinking and wanting and talking to her girl all the time or more then what was shown in this story. Because of this and another part where she was considering to hook up with the brother, didn't go so well with me. Then towards the end, like always with books like this the 70-80% of push and pull will I or wont I bullshit, the I don't love her, or I cant and I don't understand love. YOU PUT YOUR DICK IN HER.... Like a lot and you don't know how you feel.. but you can feel and like really enjoy sex .... anyways lets move on!

I thought it was impressive with the character coming to a new country and learning how to stand on her own, learning a new language and wanting a better life for herself and family. I can relate to that in some capacity, as I was young girl to move to a new country and start all over again, knowing my own parents wanted a better life for themselves and my brother and I. 

I did really enjoy the audio, if it was not for that I think I could have possibly given up my paperback. I gave this a 3 stars overall. 

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