Saturday, March 11, 2017

Review: Making Changes by Lila Rose

Making Changes      

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Making Changes by Lila Rose

Book Lovers, I think I have found that book! You know that book, that book you must have in all forms. If you all remember I found that book last year, it was called When Nothing is all you’ve got by Kirsty Dallas.

When I first seen the cover to Making Changes, I was already in love with it, can that even happen? Meh! I just knew from the get go I was going to love this story, I mean COME ON! Have you seen this cover, a beautiful curvy woman on the cover? What’s not to love!

Makenzie Mayfair has been treated like a doormat, for long enough! She is taking back her life, and going to leave her husband… once she gets the nerve to stand up and do it!
Her douche of a husband is the biggest piece of scum of a man I have ever read about, I truly wanted to throat punch him. When they first meet 6 years ago he seemed to be caring, and sweet and everything Kenzie thought she wanted or needed, not realizing this piece of sh*it was moulding her into someone she never wanted to be. Robert would put her down in the meanest of ways.
At dinner with her soon to be ex, she as this moment she knew she wanted to be someone else, be herself she needed out. She needed to find herself again. In one moment she stood her ground, got up and leaves to start her new life.

Watching Kenzie grow into her own person again was beautiful, her transition from always having so much self-doubt to this strong independent woman who took no shit was outstanding!

“There, take that, you prick on a good-looking stick.”

At 10% I knew I was going to read the whole story in one sitting and I did, at 15% I couldn’t stop laughing, legit this was the funniest story but whilst funny it was empowering. It had all the feels. When I reached 35% I was gone, I had the leaky eyes from laughing so much, I had a sore jaw from the smiling and again the laughter. I have come to adore romantic comedies; I could even say that they are my #1 favourite to one click.

Kenzie meets Dylan, who is amazing! He was at the right place at the right time, he helped her get a new job with *cue* Mr Grumpy Alpha Grayson Jackson, that’s Dylan’s older hot brother who is just exciting to read about.

Kenzie becomes his personal assistant; he can never keep one long enough to deal with his grumpiness his demanding ways.

I think it was fate for these two/three people to meet, I just LOVED this story!
Even though Making Changes is in one POV, Kenzie’s. I felt that we don’t need to be in the guy’s head, when in fact this is about Kenzie finding herself again, we are here watching her become the women she was always meant to be.

Did I tell you how much I loved Grayson, he is going to be one of my new fav book boyfriends, I think that list is forever growing. I loved everything about this story, best night in I have had all week. I love laughing so hard, your close to peeing yourself, or laughing so hard you wake the kids up… thinking I could contain my laughter and taking it to another room was most likely the worst thing I did, it just echoed! So worth the book hangover, the late night and all the coffee.

“Why aren’t you looking at me?” he murmured against my temple. “I’m all snotty and gross.” I liked that I could feel his chuckle as well as hearing it. “I’ve seen you on cough medicine. Nothing else could faze me.” Lifting my head, I laughed. “True.” “Ah, no, baby. Hide your head, you’re hideous.”

Her Dad, Trent is a hoot, fierce and loves his daughters unconditionally.

“Jellybean, I need some men. I’m horny. Can you go to the shop and get me some men. Bring home any kind….”

You got to love when parents do the texting these days, and with autocorrect failing us all this was the funniest thing ever!

Dylan; he was her knight in charming Armour, even though this isn’t the brother for her, there friendship is fun and easy and exactly what she needed. They were meant to meet each other and for him to get her a job with Grayson.

“You would be helping him keep his women, who work the streets, safe and you’ll also be making their appointments with their clients for them. You just have to approach the cars first.”

Her sister Lori. Shy and timid but I loved their sisterly bond.

“Some things are meant to happen for a reason. Maybe, just maybe, you were meant to waste six years with him to finally find yourself”

Grayson; Hot alpha, sexy, strong, and loves Kenzie’s quirkiness. I loved their banter, I loved watching them fall head over heels for each other.

I loved them all, I couldn’t stop reading. I have said that already I know, but seriously it’s so good! I loved the way the story flowed and the way Lila wrote was fabulous. Her writing was so well done that I could easily visualise them all.

“Wait one cotton pickin’ minute. I’m annoyed with you, you big bossy…boss.”

Whilst writing this review, just laughing along with what I’m trying to explain is so hard, I hope everyone will go grab themselves a copy and just stop and read it. I think it’s one of the best rom/coms I have read. I mean who gets high on cough medicine? Lol Kenzie is a hoot when she is being herself and I would recommend this to everyone and would totally re read this again and again!

“Only you can make me laugh, even when I’m turned the fuck on. Only you can roll your eyes at me when I’m yelling in your face, and I find it cute instead of firing you…”

Here; I already have the link for you to one click, you are one step from laughing yourself silly!

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