Sunday, March 5, 2017

Review: Lifeblood

Lifeblood Lifeblood by Gena Showalter
My rating: 0 of 5 stars

Lifeblood – Gena Showalter

At the last second before Ten’s Firstlife ended she made her choice between Myriad and Troika – which brings us to the second instalment in the series, Lifeblood.

I’m quite the Gena Fan, I love her prose, I love her depth and detail but most of all her imagination. Lifeblood was no exception! This novel takes off in the Ten’s secondlife right where the first novel left off. I really loved experiencing Ten’s passing into the new realm in which she signed with but man was it not what I’d expected… Better? Worse? A bit of both I guess. I hated that Killian and Ten were torn apart, and I was also quite surprised at some of the goings on in Ten’s new home Troika. Again, unsuspecting little old me!

As far as world building goes, Gena nailed it. And as for keeping me on my toes… I can’t even. There is so much happening, so much at stake and my nails are thoroughly destroyed right now but it was totally worth it.

I did feel Ten changed a little in this book and until things got a little more interesting with the numbers game I must admit I was skipping those sentences but I suppose it’s just a part of ten and don’t worry I was hooked right back in when it became more relevant.

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed book two, would definitely read it again and now I’ll be dying for book 3!

View all my reviews

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