Thursday, March 2, 2017

Review: Hopeless Romantic

Hopeless Romantic

Hopeless Romantic by Francis Gideon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Hopeless Romantic by Francis Gideon

4.5 Stars

"I know, I’m hopeless romantic."

Do you?

Book Lovers you know I love the books that make me all warm and fuzzy, the unicorns and rainbows stories but you know I also love no drama, no angst, that the story that are sugary sweet are my crack, my thing!

Well, even though this is kind of sugary sweet it really touches home to some sensitive subjects, and I love that this is a romantic love story with two people just finding the one.

When I first came across this title, the cover alone sold me. Seriously that cover is epic, I love it very much. Hopeless Romantic is coming of age story told by Nick’s POV. I haven’t read a book without dual POV in a while, this this took me a little while to stop wanting to read Katie’s POV.

Hopeless Romantic takes us on the journey through Nicks eyes, as he figures out his relationship with Katie, find out more about his own identity along with Katie’s teaches all of us that sometimes love can be found anywhere, that you don’t fall in love with what is between each other’s legs, that YOU will in love with one’s HEART!

I have seen a lot of reviews, that many reviewers didn’t enjoy this story, that the author didn’t do it correctly, I don’t care what they all think. I actually really enjoyed the way Francis told his story of Nick and Katie.

I personally think he told a beautiful love story, letting us watch two lovely souls be one!
What I enjoyed most was, watching them fall hopelessly in love with each other, they took a chance on something they both were not expecting and ran with it. I also loved all the punk rock references, and most of all the MOVIE references, I am a massive 80’s brat pack fan, all the John Hughes fan. So that alone was just the coolest.
It’s because of them movies I am the person I am today, I can relate to the music and the movies referenced in this book.
When they were getting to know each other the question’s they asked each other, I was totally asking myself.
Hopeless Romantic, isn’t filled with angst and drama but it does touch some very REAL topics.

“But there’s something you need to know and understand about all of this, though. Okay?”
“Okay,” he said, though he shifted under the weight of her gaze.
“There is no magical transformation at the end of this. If you continue to see me, this is not going to be like the trans stories you see on TV. We’re not going to be some wonderful heterosexual couple after I get the final surgery. Even if I do change my mind ten years down the line—there’s no rising above and becoming a phoenix.”

For what it is, I absolutely loved this story, and I am looking forward to check out more from this author.

Advanced Review Galley copy of Hopeless Romantic provided by Riptide Publishing via NetGalley in exchange of an honest review.

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