Friday, March 24, 2017

Review: Co-Wrecker

Co-Wrecker Co-Wrecker by Meghan Quinn
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Co- Wrecker by Meghan Quinn
A romantic comedy, it was a good read. I wouldn’t say it was my favourite from Meghan but it was defiantly a good read.

Sadie was downright a stubborn bitch, I was blown away with how much I didn’t really like her to begin with and how much it took for me to like her. Andrew is BRILLIANT funny, sweet, sexy and oh so dirty!

Highly recommended Co Wreckers it is adorable, sexy and funny. Meghan does an amazing job to balance all the feels, it has drama and angst with all the swoony worthy moments.

Overall I did enjoy the story, Meaghan is a fantastic story teller, I hope we get more and more romantic comedies form her, I think she has found her thing.
Arc kindly provided by publisher for an honest review.

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