Sunday, March 5, 2017

Review: Bonfires

Bonfires Bonfires by Amy Lane
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Bonfires by Amy Lane

Oh Man!

That COVER, Like seriously its beautiful. So beautiful I need it on my bookshelves!

I spent a better of two days trying to come up with a review. It was another hard one to explain how much I loved it.

Book Lovers, I don’t… I mean like how can I express the love I have for AMY F*king LANE! I can’t, I just can’t! I really can but it’ll be this long and I mean long diary entry on how much I love this women’s writing, the way she just makes you feel, every single story she creates is just epic. Yes, there have been some heart wrenching ones, some happy fluffy ones and then we have the ones that just make you melt, well those ones are my absolute fav. I feel like I have been waiting for MY next fav Amy book for a little whiles, and I mean it’s hard to top the love I have for Collin and Jeff, and right there is another story everyone needs to read. But y’all! See what happens when I get to typing about someone I have had the greatest pleasure on meeting, and who I just love. Even the books that are not Ang friendly, I still think man, that was pretty kick ass writing.

Okay, Okay enough! I am sorry for the rambling, here is my Review!

Originally I have given it like 4 stars, that’s cos like I am greedy and I wanted more. So with a couple days later pondering, I am giving it 5 stars; cos since I’ve read it, I can’t not stop thinking about it.

Bonfires, is about two men who are in their late 40’s.
We have Deputy Aaron George, he lost his wife almost 10 years ago and dedicated his life to his children, moved to the small town of Colton. Then we have Larx, who also lives and breathes for his own daughters, he had a rough marriage beforehand, but he also lives and breathes for his students, you see Larx is the principle at Colton high.

*sigh* A sheriff's deputy and a principle!

I love that Aaron and Larx, have been friends with each other over the years and it just takes sweaty shirtless Larx, for Aaron to step up to the plate.

But what I love the most is that this is about two men who are older then most and honestly the thought of a love life was over for them, But one morning the beautiful Aaron charmed the socks of Larx and their story begins.

With their own children grown up, you enjoy the interactions between all the kids, they just make it extra kind of special.

I loved watching the two men acting like teenagers falling in love, finding secret places to snog, to hug to just finally have the sex that both have been waiting for a long, long, long time for. Just the comradery they have is beautiful, the chemistry they have is lightning hot.

I love that they are both mature, not jumping into everything that moves beds, they know what they want. And that is each other.

The second thing I love about Bonfires, is that it is about family, the family that we choose to be our family, it’s about second chances.

I love when Amy writes like this, it has to be my most favourite kind of story, I love that she can capture our feelings, and make us so captivated with the story you don’t realize what is happening around you.

Finding happiness when you least expect it, is what happened with Aaron and Larx. With a mystery murder and bully at school it’s a book I found myself when I first started I wasn’t too sure I would like it, but as the story unfolds I was so in love with all the characters and I just devoured it.

I think Bonfires is a fantastic story, and on the angst scale for Amy this is a lighter one, it’s not a fluffy story but it’s also not I’m going to reach into your heart pull in out stomp on it and then maybe slowly stitch it back together, you know which ones they are. THIS is not like that.

Arc received by the publishers for an honest review

View all my reviews

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