Sunday, February 26, 2017

Review: Unforgiven

Unforgiven Unforgiven by Ruth Clampett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unforgiven by Ruth Clampett

Alright my book loving friends, I had the most fun reading this with my best buddy Kylie over at Saucy Reviews on Kinky Korner … a mouth full, right? But another kick ass blog.

My Review

Unforgiven, I’m not sure I can forgive myself for even going on this rollercoaster ride, holy hot cakes book lovers, this book is crazy intense the most genuinely real books I have read in for so long.

Jason and Dean are the bestest of friends, they are more like soul mates they have been in each other’s lives since they were little boys, now they are in college and they are roommates, studying architecture.

Jason, has known all along who he has been attracted to but he’s ashamed and obviously keeping it to himself, he’s just so confused and scared, keeping secrets from his best friend Dean, but at a party Dean stumbles upon Jason getting a blow job from the douche Roman.

Dean is like, The Fudgery!!! and then he’s all like confused and why is best friend with a dude, and he acts like a totally DOUCHE, and literally no joke I hated Dean, ask Kylie she will tell you, from the get go I was not a fan of Dean, but honestly he grew on me and then I was hating on Jason and then I was just a pile of tantrums,and tears. My eyes were leaky a lot, and I was angry and lot.

Over the course of this story you legit go from content, angry, sad, happy, squirmy, content, sad, happy can you see the pattern here? Yup and big old rollercoaster ride of all them feely feels!

Love is Love, Ruth takes Jason and Deans beautiful friendship and turns it into something more, it really is a great story watching them both grow and go through all their emotions.

I found Ruth’s writing to be raw, and honest and all so heartbreaking I didn’t know what I was getting myself into, because I never read the blurb or seen a cover for the book, just a teaser that Kylie showed me; then the next thing I knew; I was like filling the form out to receive an arc.

With Jason having his own secrets and Dean figuring out why all of a sudden he is jealous and angry with Jason, discovering that your best friend his gay and that you might like him as well, my heart was falling apart. But in saying all that I found myself smiling at times, and rooting for the guy I originally hated… I know right! it’s weird when you fall in love with someone you didn’t like. Lol

One thing for sure is that these boys have some SMOKING HOT chemistry that lit my kindle on fire, it’s so hot I at one time was like “Kylie these boys are way too hot, I swear I’m going to have to have a cold shower!” there is plenty of sexy time, that will keep you plenty happy.

The story flows quickly, it reads fast and before you know it you are pacing, crying and maybe throwing your kindle down in a tantrum with the snot and the leaky eyes!

I am going to give it 5 stars, I mean to pull all these crazy emotions from me is crazy! I don’t do angst, and drama I am not one for it, as you all know who follow my reviews, I love rainbows and unicorns and happy funny books, but this was way out of my comfort zone I am so grateful that I got to read it and to read it with my bestie was fantastic.

I hope on release day every one grabs a copy, and buckles in for a bumpy ride.
But before you do any of that make sure you have the following:

-Ice, because it gets scorching hot at times.
-Tissues, because you will need it for the snot and leaky eyes.
-Chocolate, because chocolate!
-Coffee, well because you won’t be able to it down.

Grab all those items and then you can buckle in for a fantabulous bumpy ride, with speed bumps, mountains and a beautiful scenery of two hot boys finding them selves with each other… kind of…

Ehhh good luck, maybe have your best friend on speed dial!

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