Saturday, February 18, 2017

Review: Football Sundae

Football Sundae Football Sundae by Daryl Banner
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Side note: I can't help but wonder how big and strong one's cock must be to generate such force in their peeing...

Book Lovers I've found a new favorite book to re read!

Holy hot cakes guys, this book was everything. Exactly what I love with No drama! No angst! Just a beautiful romance story about two boys and football sundaes.

I loved the characters, the way Daryl writes, he's also a new to me author this is his first book i have read. I loved this mm book, and we all know i have read a lot.

my heart's all yours

This was good like super cute and fun, and that sex... Oh. Em. G it makes you go searching for a fan.

He's suffocating himself with my ass,drunk on it. He's in heaven back there.

I loved this whole story, there was not a time I wanted to put it down, rush ahead or skim. I found myself laughing a lot and I love that in a story. I love that we watched The boys become friend and build up to falling in love.

5 perfect stars!

View all my reviews

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