Saturday, February 18, 2017

Review: Fighter

Fighter Fighter by Carol Lynne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Arc received by the publishers.

I read this years ago when Carol was first writing it, when it was called the brick yard!

I can't even explain how truly amazing this story is about Lucky and Dray, Brick and the boys.

So many emotions, it truly is one of Carols best books she has ever written, I loved the new little scenes and the tidy up this book went threw.

You will cry, laugh,snot cry, maybe squirm some and mostly of all you will feel. Every. Single.Feeling possible!

This has been one of my fav books for a long time, and I can't wait for everyone to read it.

I can't wait to see where Carol will take us now that its the first book in the brick yard series!

5 solid stars

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