Saturday, February 18, 2017

Review: Dance With Me

Dance With Me Dance With Me by Heidi Cullinan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


I Cant not find the right words, this was an amazing story.

I fell in love with it from the 1st chapter and couldnt put it down,till the end! The Way every thing is told and put together is just AMAZING.

I laughed and Cried Ed and Laurie were Beautiful!!

If you havent read it yet, give it a go it might surprise you :)

A couple of fave Quotes..

"Ed~ "Why do you stay with me?"... Laurie~ "Because I don't want to dance by myself."

At last,though,he picked up the pen and held it,hand shaking,over the paper.On the line beneath the pain goals Laurie had written,he added a goal of his own. Goal,Four hours: Make Love to Laurie."

View all my reviews

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