Thursday, April 16, 2015

Beau by Brooklyn Taylor Blitz [April 15 - April 28] Beau by Brooklyn Taylor Blog Tour


Novella from The Forever Series

By Brooklyn Taylor

Blog Tour


I am Beau Evans,
God’s gift to women and I damn well know it. I am fearless. I would rather be
working as the homicide detective in Dallas, Texas than anywhere else. I’m the
crazy bastard they call in when no one else wants to go. I’ve seen things that
would cause others to commit themselves to mental hospitals.

I look damn
good; thanks to all the time I spend in the gym and the good genes I was
blessed with. I screw who I want, when I want, how I want. I call the shots and
wouldn’t have it any other way.  I live
for me and no one else. I am my own man and do not answer to anyone but myself.
I live by these rules and no one will change that.

That is what I
had convinced myself of anyway, until I met Piper Dylan. She drives me insane
in every way possible. Everything about her annoys me and turns me on at the
same time.  She has absolutely no
interest in me whatsoever. The more she pulls away and resists me the more I
want her.

My life starts
to become unrecognizable and is spinning out of control. I, Beau Evans am
becoming something I never wanted and always swore I would never become. I
begin fighting for something I am not sure I completely want. Do I walk away
for the second time in my life or decide maybe, just maybe, it’s not all about
me any longer?

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Beau fucking Evans
was standing outside a crime scene, crying like a pussy. The other officers on
the scene were staring at me, trying to compute what was happening. Piper and I
were finally on the same page when I got the call on the radio on my way driving
home after my workout. I tried to get to the scene as fast as I could, not
knowing how I was going to deal with the situation I was about to face.  Fellow officers were outside the scene,
securing the block. I got out of my car and ran to the front of the scene to
see what else I could find out. This could not be happening. The only thing I
could think of was seeing her face.

Rodgers walked up to
me, shaking his head with a look of disappointment on his face.

Oh my God, what is he going to tell me?

How could he possibly
tell me she was dead? I get it… I get what Cooper and Kyle were saying now. I
get why McKoy tried to hold on to me like she did. She loved me then the way I
loved Piper now. I couldn’t picture my life without her.

When Rodgers reached me,
he put his hand on my shoulder and I froze. Here it goes… I hoped I could hold
myself together.

“Damn, Evans. This
shit sucks. I can’t believe this happened. We always try to make sure the scene
is cleared before our detectives go in. We thought we had…” He was choking up.
“The victim had already been removed from the scene and they were doing the
investigation. I was doing the normal, collecting as much evidence as I could
while letting them work.”

I swallowed hard,
trying to keep the lump in my throat under control. I was a grown-ass man about
to lose it. 

Author's Bio


I am a Texas girl, mother of 2 amazing kiddos
and married to my gorgeous soulmate for almost 20 years. I have a full time job
in the medical field. I love to spend my free time reading, being outside and
playing with my family and 4 fur babies. I started to write at the instinct of
""hey maybe I can do that!"" I have enjoyed every step of
the journey. I am blessed to have very supportive friends and family that make
my like worth living!

Stalk Brooklyn

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