Saturday, August 23, 2014

REVIEW~ Opposites By TM Smith

OppositesOpposites by T.M.  Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Opposites By TM Smith
*Arc* For An Honest Review

My Review

Wow, Where Do I Begin. This was A wicked new start to a series!!
Beautiful cover Art, I fell in love with book just on that alone.

"You could never embarrass me, you are my partner, we will walk through life together. Iwill not follow, but neither will i lead"

TM Smith Has done an OUTSTANDIG AMAZING job at reserching al the different cultures for this story alone, i cant belive on how many different and beautiful cultures we learn about reading this one. I love MM Stories and i love that in this New World that being straight(outcasted) was not aloud or wasnt "Right" It really put a different Spin on things,You See Every one is meant to Marry someone of the same sex.

"I can't tell you how badly i want you... almost as much as i love you"

There were alot of characters to keep up with, the main two were Twins Aiydan and Aiya they are to meet there Matches and take control of the house, the ruling House. But things get interesting when the two meet there Matches While Aiydan has a instant connection With Kaden,His soulmate and Heart everything that he is. For Aiya things do not go to plan falling in love with a male is not what she expected, and wasnt what she was meant to do with Sawyer.It was Forbidden there love was not seen as Normal. Her Match was Maeve the sister of her brothers Match she also didnt feel the connection she was meant to have with Aiya.

Their cocks were rutting together as Aiyan ran his fingers in and out of Kaden's ass, keeping the pace with his tongue inside kaden's mouth

I really loved the concept and freash new spin on this , with it being my first dystopion story i found myself loving everything about it. We get to watch Aiydan and Kaden fall in love with each other more, watching them get to know each other was cute and fun, Watcing Aiya struggle to do the right thing and with lots of twist and turns and omg page turning moments this is a fabulous story you wont want to miss out on.

There is plenty of sex,MM, FF, MF sex all sorts of HOT HOT Moments so if that not for you maybe you should go find something else to read, but for me it was PERFECT i freaking LOVED it.

"You have to understand that you two go against everything we believe,everything our society is based on."

Jealousy, Love, Plot, Laughter and Action Sets for an AWESOM Romantic MM, MF, FF Story!!

** Romance <3 br="">** Awesome Characters ✔
** Smexy time ✔✔
** Action and Plot ✔✔
** Made me giggle and could not put it down✔✔
** Wanted more when it was finished ✔✔

Reviewd By Ang

View all my reviews

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