Thursday, August 14, 2014

MENAGE~Something New By Cameron Dane

Something New (Foster Siblings, #2)Something New by Cameron Dane
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What can I say about Cameron Dane that I haven’t already said??
I Love everything I read, this one was defiantly a hard one for me to read and I was freaking out when I found out it was going to be permanent ménage.
As you all no I don’t usually like reading about permanent ménage’s but as soon as I was reading this I had to look past my uncomfortable-ness and really look at it a different way, the way this was written was just so beautiful with Abby falling In love with both Rodrigo and Braden and Then with Braden knowing he wanted Abby and Rodrigo to be his and his alone, and then we have Rodrigo falling in love with Abby was normal for him but falling in love with a man and this man being Braden was some thing completely weird for him, I my self was falling in love with all three of them, each telling me there story. As I wipe my tears from my face this was such a roller coaster of emotions, but the Story the story that brings them together was amazing. Abby was 8 when her parent were savagely murdered and she had witnessed it all, closing her self of as a little girl and having terrible nightmare, having no one to claim her when she was only a child in and out of fostered homes, was heart breaking to read about. Nearly 20 yrs later her dream and nightmares are back, and she secretly discover that the parents she knew and loved with all her heart were not the parents she thought they were!!! With the help from Braden (cop) and Rodrigo she starts putting her nightmares together and slowly discovers the truth about her parent’s death! Putting her trust in these two men was hard for her to do and buy letting them in was the best thing she ever does!!
I was constantly on the edge of my seat, freaked out as I was going along with them trying to put the pieces together, and I laughed and cried and when they were laughing and crying. The three of them together was perfect and I was so shocked that I was actually loving them all in this new permanent ménage there were tender moments between them all weather it being the guys together or her with one of the guys or all three together, it was just beautiful to read. I fell in love with this story. If you haven’t read any thing by Cameron Dane you should give it a go, this was another top read for me. And I cannot wait to read another.
Hopefully she will write about Braden’s ex and close friend Ben.
I loved this quote by Rodrigo
“Right now, it’s just a roof over my head. With you both here”-His bright eyes didn’t blink-“it’ll be a home”

With endearments like that, you just fall in love with them all!!

“He’ so perfect/ everyone should know he is mine.”

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