Wednesday, July 2, 2014

REVIEW: Try By Ella Frank

Try (Temptation, #1)Try by Ella Frank
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Where do I even start.... Well firstly a huge well earned five stars for the amazing Ella Frank...your writing is astounding...your discriptions make you feel apart of the story....your characters are loveable.

Logan is sex on a stick...the ultimate player...nobody male or female is safe from this man..his charm and personality alone had me wanting to hand my panties to him!!! But the one thing he never wants to happen is fall in love, after a past that holds pure where does that leave the object of his lust Tate???

Tate is straight or so he thinks....but one night in the bar he works that all changes and he's forced to reassess everything he thought about himself...recovering from a failed marriage with divorce on the horizon, the last thing Tate wants or needs is larger than life, cocky and arrogant Logan.

The banter between these two is amazing and at times seriously lol funny, the sexy time is off the scale foo foo clenching hot, but it's the love that grows between these two that really hits you, even though they both try to deny the deeper feeling they feel it's there jumping right off the page at you... But that being said the course of true love rarely runs smooth and can't wait for book 2 Take to see where life takes this special couple next.

Ella Frank thank you for one hell of read....your awesome lady

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