Friday, July 25, 2014

RELEASE DAY BLITZ ~~HER DOM ~ A.D. Justice ~25th July

                My name is Dominic Powers. My software engineering company, DPS, is one of the top 500 companies in the world. Conducting a search for my Personal Assistant brought an unexpected candidate straight to me.
                I knew she was different as soon as she walked into my high-rise office. She exuded innocence and inexperience. Those are two things in a woman that normally don’t attract me, but I am apparently making an exception for her. She’s young and delicate – and I’m afraid she won’t make it in my world.
                But the carnal man I’ve kept hidden deep inside me says I have to try.
                She is my Sophia Vasco.
                I am Her Dom.


                Her Dom

                A.D. Justice


                Release Date: July 25, 2014

                Purchase Links







                About the Author

                I am happily married to a wonderful man and we celebrate our 24th wedding anniversary this year.
                We have two sons in college and we are so proud of them both!
                I work full time as a manager but write as a means to escape into another world. I have loved books for as long as I can remember. That was a trait passed on to me by my Daddy. I remember spending many hours in book stores growing up.
                I hope you enjoy the stories and will go on these journeys with me!
                Thanks for reading!

                Contact A.D. Justice

                Website | Amazon | Goodreads | Facebook | Twitter




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