Monday, July 7, 2014

My Destiny (Destiny Series #1)My Destiny by J.L. Perry
My rating: 5 of 5 stars JL Perry you are outstanding, nobody would ever believe this was your debut novel. Your writing is seamless, you write characters that are impossible not to love and a story that has you hooked from the off.

Now let's go take a little peak at the two main characters Logan and Brooke.

Logan is hot as hell, successful, and rich...he's had some of the most beautiful women grace his bed but none effect him like Brooke, from the moment he sets his eyes on Brooke that's it for him, he'll do anything to call her his own...

"I am not looking for a relationship, Logan, especially one with a lawyer." - Brooke

"So you are saying you don't want to be with me because of what I do for a living?" I asked. "That's a bit unfair, don't you think?" -Logan

Brooke hasn't had the best life and her experience with men in Logan's profession hasn't been good, throw that with meeting Logan just as her life's turned upside down Logan looks like he'll never win the woman that knocked him sideways.

I truly loved this's like a breath of fresh air a beautiful, heartwarming, touching read.

Now you've read my waffle go get your one click finger working and get this book it's a complete must and please authors love reviews (even just a few lines) so don't be shy in leaving yours

View all my reviews

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