Thursday, July 3, 2014

Crave the Night By Lara Adrian

Crave the Night (Midnight Breed, #12)Crave the Night by Lara Adrian
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

ARC courtesy of publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

Crave the Night (Midnight Breed, #12)
by Lara Adrian

4.5 kick ass Stars

"You're a dark, dangerous storm, Nathan," She tilted her head back, her glacial blue eyes arresting, even in the darkness of the club. "If i'm not carful I'm going to leap off a cliff with you."

When We first meet Nathan he was 13 yr old teenager who was rescuded by Gen One Warrior Hunter and his mum Corinne. It is now 20 years later and Nathan is all grown up and is a apart of the oder and he is a Captain of his own team. Nathan is still very much emotionless assassin he was meant to be, So the last thing that is on his mind is the beautiful breedmate Jordana Cates.

Jordana is Smart, beautiful and very well known in the Boston Society and has been promised to another Breed member, on her fathers wishes.. he thinks that she should be married and mated by her 25th birthday.. When Jordana and Nathan meet its instant chemistry they both know they shouldnt like each other but the heart wants what the heart wants and they want each other!!

Let there story begin! I really Enjoyed there Story and watching the big bad scary Gen One Hunter Fall to his knees in love!! They have great Chemistry and a Lovely story to tell..

"Your Petals are so swollen and ripe. and your clit.. I've never craved anything..."

Crave The Night picks up where the last one ended in Mira and Kellan's book we go an interesting ride with lots of Twist and Turns and we learn more and more about the Atlanteans.

I have been away from the Midnight Breed series fan and I just Love that all the Original Children have now got there own stories to tell. I loved seeing Everyone with there Mates.. It was Seriously like going home and just being apart of something awesome!!

** Romance, A bitter Sweet one
** Awesome Characters ✔
** Smexy time ✔✔
** Action and Plot ✔✔
** Made me giggle✔✔
** Could not put it down✔✔
** Wanted more when it was finished ✔✔

Recommend To Everyone Who Loves this Series!!

Can't Wait Till the next one

View all my reviews

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