Monday, June 9, 2014

12th JUNE Emma Chase Blog Tour Spot Light

This book is about friendship, love and deadbeat dads. It is about strength, courage and the will to survive in a world that can be unjust.
Her life is turned upside down by the one man who should have protected her from it all.
Emma is a survivor. Her father, who has taken off to avoid paying his debts to a well known drug dealer, has kept her down her entire life and she's learned enough from living in his world to take care of herself, because no one else will.
She finally gets her shot at love when she meets the handsome and protective Braden Holt, only to be forced to turn her back on him to protect him from her father's enemies.
Tragedy strikes and Emma has to decide if she is going to do what she always does, build up walls to shut everyone out, or pick herself up with the help of her friends and the man who loves her.
***This book is not intended for readers under the age of 18***
Emma Chase-Sins of the Fathers is grabbing up 5 star reviews like crazy!!!!
Here's Chicks Looking For a Book Fix 5 Star Review:
Emma Chase is a survivor. Losing her mother at a young age left her alone with her worthless father, Joe. She basically raises herself and learned at a young age she must work to have anything for herself. She not only takes care of herself but handles her father's debts as well. As Emma gets older she continues to work her way up into a management position and is able to provide herself with a stable home.
Emma's father has always left her to deal with his sins. One horrific night that brings Emma's world crashing down, and she goes to the one person that always made her feel safe, Braden.
Braden has never stopped loving Emma, even after she left him a year ago. When she comes back into his life broken he does whatever he can to help her heal and will fight to stay in her life this time.
Just when Emma and Braden think everything will be fine, tragedy strikes again. Will Emma give up or will she fight back this time?
I thought this was a great book. The first chapter blew my mind with the disturbingly, violent graphic scenes so be prepared. The rest of the book is basically Emma learning to cope with the shitty life she has been given and Braden helping her get her life back. Braden is an sexy, sweet, patient, and protective guy. I really enjoyed Emma's character, she went through so much and still had some spunk to her. As you read you will be rooting for Emma and Braden all the way.
Here's Your Link to 1-click it!
About the Author, Jen Khan:
Jen Khan is that very unassuming gal at first sight due to her quiet nature, but look out when she lets you into her world. Buckle up and get ready for an adventure. You will find her at a party, or just out and about with friends sitting in the corner taking a minute to assess her surroundings and the people in it before she dives in with her quick witt, charm and slinging her endless supply of sarcasm. She’s a mom, aunt, teacher, dancing puppet to little people, chauffer, walking ATM, and master of all things domestic. She loves her son, family, friends, wine, giggling, singing out of tune and dancing like a fool. She has a zest for life that rubs off on everyone in her presence.

Jen has always been an aspiring writer/author. She woke up one morning realizing that it was time to make it happen. She is a teacher by trade which allowed her to put her skills to use. You will find adventure, suspense and always romance in her books.

Jen lives in Northern Virginia with her son. When she needs a break from the daily chaos of her life, you can most likely find her going out for a run, on her treadmill or with her beloved Kindle in hand.

Then Paste! Happy Blogging XoXo!

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