Thursday, June 6, 2013

Just AskJust Ask by Mia Downing

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Water sex and More Oh MY

I can not explain how much i really enjoyed this book..

Amazing!! Brilliant!! Sexy!! Cute!! And OH SO HOT!!!
Mia This was Outstanding!! I loved every thing about this story!!
Ryan and Jordan were perfect for each other!!
This was everything i loved in GFY, Awesome guys.. fantastic scenery.. Just PERFECT!!!

"This time when i suck your cock, you'll be flat on your back my fingers deep in your ass. Ill bring you right to the edge of bliss and then hold you there......

Mia, honey you had me wanting a alot of cold showers this was off the HOOK Hot!!!

"Just Ask"

Oh And MY GOD HAMMOCK Sex!!!! sounds Bloody FANTASTIC!!!

Bula,and thanks to both of you

EVERYONE should Totally go and buy them selves a copy of JUST ASK!!!
It was Really a Fantastic,Love Story!!
That ill be re reading again in the future!!

View all my reviews

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