Thursday, June 6, 2013

Family ManFamily Man by Heidi Cullinan

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5+++++ stars....Beautiful, Amazing, heart warming story

I loved this book!! Would have to be a New favorite!!!

Review to come!!!

Ive been finished this one for a couple days and all I can think is This book is Absolutely Re Read Material!!!

Vinnie and Trey melted me, they are so Perfect for each other and there Story is PERFECT! I read this book with a massive smile on my face... Cried with them, laughed with them it was AWESOME!

"The dancing part turned out to be easy. The part not being uptight took a bit longer, but by the time the next song began, he was doing better."

Vinnie Is this 3 time divorced Italian beautiful man, who was at a job and saw a gay couple and had seen the way they loved each other.. and i thought came to mind.. 'I want that, the Love that these two men have with each other maybe I'm gay?'

Then there is Trey.. this Sweet virgin with no sex rule lives with an alcoholic mother and his awesome Gran!! He Studies, works so many jobs to provide for them all!!

"He Smiled at me- that goddamn cute smile, like the whole world could kiss his ass-and I kind of hated the way it made me so happy to have him point it my way"

This Story really is wonderful they have a no sex rule till pretty much they fall in love.
Its about Family, Hard times!! Hope, Trust and For Vinnie to admit and realize he is gay and to come out to his family and hope that they don't kick him to the curb when he final does!!

"So," I said,"since you don't date,and i don't date, how about if we not date together?"

I Felt all the emotions these guys went threw together, and when it ended i was hoping for more lol
You know its a great book when you never look to see how far you are or what % you are at! I don't think i done this once only when i was updating on GR!!

I LOVED this Story so much, The sex was Amazing, the romance was perfect just EVERYTHING!!!

"I want to touch you too. I want to hold out cocks together in my hand and jack against you until we both come".......

The Ending was brilliant..LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

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